Facebook Text Hoster is no more

Today I’ve received email from Mozilla that they’ve taken down my add-on. They did that by request from Facebook as trademark infringe claim, because my add-on had Facebook in its name. As to not let the same happen to my text hosting serviceI’ve changed its name to Text Hoster. I hope that it would be enough as linking to Facebook is really an option for my service, not the main feature.

Book or movie

Recently my favorite book portal (Polish)posted on their Facebook page a question. “Do you prefer to read book first, or maybe watch movie adaptation?”. That made me thinking and my post would be a reply to that question. I always prefer book, as movie adaptation is always worse. You simply can’t contain 300 pages in 90 minutes, it’s impossible. Something would always be cut. Not to mention that movies often have really invasive producers with their “excellent” ideas how to make particular scene, or entire movie, better.

Why Google's 2-step verification sucks

Recently I have started using Chrome as primary browser (and I’m happy so far). Because of that I’ve needed to log into my Google account to be able to use Reader and other Google apps. I’ve typed my login and password, but as I’m using 2-step verification I was asked to input a code I should’ve received by sms message. I was trying to log on August 30th somewhere around the noon and was waiting for code to arrive for a good while, then finally gave up and used Printable backup codes (good that I was already authorized on Firefox as I’ve lost this printout).

Now we obviously have Google fanboys!

As LifeHackerhasn’t published my comment, I’m still waiting for verification email to arrive, I’ve decided to write this post. I must admit that I’m a little angry after reading article comparing Office 365 with Google Apps. Actually only one paragraph made me mad, so I would quote it here entirely before I would get to the point: User Experience Google Apps v. Office 365 Feature Showdown: Which Should You Use?

O365 first impression

Since yesterday I’m a happy subscriber of Office 365 P1 plan. I now have 25 GB Exchange mailbox (using only 0,5 GB), Lync IM (awesome), Sharepoint site (quite useless), and access to Office web apps (which are free anyway). As I’m “half American” I was able to buy it for only 6,38 USD, which is a little less than what I was paying Apps4Rent (6,95). I’m pretty happy with the service, setup went smooth.

New is good, but old still better

Few days ago I’ve watched Arthur. As for modern comedy (they’re not making good comedies anymore) it was quite entertaining. I was actually pretty surprised because I don’t like Russell Brand, but in this movie he was quite good. Maybe because he is so similar to character he’s playing, so he wasn’t playing a lot. However I wonder how much of his IRL behavior, which is quite extravagant, is real. Anyway, this picture is entertaining and I don’t feel that I’ve wasted my time watching it, but original Arthurwas better.

Security failures - flashback

I’ve read very interesting text about 3D movie projectors used by cinemas and how bad security design led to worse end-user (viewer) experience. You can find full text here. But I want to write about something I’ve recalled after reading this text. Few years ago I was working at call center for major Polish telecom (TP SA). I was help-desk for ADSL service called Neostrada. We were divided into two groups:

When Wired would make the right choice?

Today I’ve read about Financial Timeslaunching their HTML5 based app(instead one for iPad only) to deliver their content. Good move as it means access for more people. But it’s not what I want to write about today. I wish Wiredwould do the same. I love this magazine, however to buy it in shop here (Europe) it costs around 12$ per issue, international subscription is better, but still it’s 75$ a year.

I'm translator baby!

Well, actually not. But as I’m a fan of Bruce Schneierand TEDI’ve wanted to do something to support them. So I’ve translated subtitles for Schneier’s talk about Security Mirageinto Polish. And reviewer needed to fix only few issues, mainly punctuation:)

London is going trance?

In March I was on concert of London Elektricity(actually it was only Tony Colman and MC Wrec, but it was live and it was awesome). Now they’ve released new album Yikes!, so I’ve bought it. Especially because of beautiful voice of Elsa Esmeralda. Find the sample below: I like this record, not all tracks, but most of them. I give it 8/10. However there is one thing which bothers me: