I'm speachless

I’ve seen the last lecture of Randy Pausch “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”. And only one thing I can say right now is wow. This guy was amazing (was, because unfortunately he died on 26th of July this year, RIP). I wish I had such professor when I was at university doing my MA. He was quite a guy, with power and energy, and he was very good with people I believe.

Peter the discoverer of the Czech cuisine

Some time ago I’ve mentioned that I’m going to start writing posts about Czech cuisine. Well, I didn’t forgot about it. But there is someone who is already doing that and is doing it good. So there is no place for me I believe:( Check this amazing blog of American guy who lives in Prague and is writing about food (not only Czech): Czech Please

American Women

Joke of the day:) Typical American Woman has dimension like 90-60-90 (perfect European), but Americans are using inches instead of centimeters:P Sorry, it’s rude I know, but I couldn’t resit it.

Science Fiction in USA

I think somebody in US government has lost his mind. The new idea to improve the security in air traffic is to give every passenger Safety Bracelet. It would have built-in GPS (and also a chip with personal information about passenger) and some kind of teaser which would shock him with electricity when he would step out the line. I think it’s crazy and somebody who invented it should be prisoned.

Pictures from USA

Finally I have a moment to share some of my photos with you. And I’m in love with Flickr, so…:) These are pictures from my last, but I hope not least, visit to USA. You can see here: Boston - my favorite place on Earth: And Providence - really interesting place: