Nice one, but also one disappointment

I’ve bought OnePlus One over a year ago. I must admit that I was aiming for Nexus 6 at the time, but as I’m cheap the price prevailed. I was lucky as by then they’ve introduced invitation less Tuesdays or something like that. Enough to say that I was able to buy the phone without the need of invitation which was nice.

I haven’t expected much as it was almost half the price of my beloved Nexus, but I was positively surprised. Device was solid, performance amazing (I’ve switched from LG G2) and it even came in beautiful package (not exactly like iPhone, but close enough). It had this feel of more expensive phone. And it had Cyanogen Mod preinstalled which I’ve always wanted, but was too lazy, too scared, or both, to ever try. By all means my experience was positive.

After few months Lollipop has become a thing, so obviously I wanted it. I’ve thought that it won’t be a problem as I know have community built OS, so I won’t have to wait till some major brand would decide that they’re ready to upgrade. But I’ve waited and waited, and nothing. No news about Android 5 for my phone other than that Cyanogen is now at war with OnePlus. I haven’t read those, and till this day I have no idea what it was about. I’ve only wanted new OS.

Finally somebody listened to the users and released Oxygen OS, as Cyanogen couldn’t deliver. I was skeptical at first, but soon I’ve flashed my device and was enjoying shiny Lollipop with all its glory. And glitches. I quickly learnt that there’s no email client with Exchange support anymore, so had to buy one. But nevertheless it was worth it. And I was still happy. Unlocking phone by Bluetooth device is awesome!

Now OnePlus decided that they actually need to make money like everybody else and is releasing new phone, OnePlus Two. I don’t blame them, this is how the world works. Companies are out there to make profits not to serve some mission, no matter what kind of BS they were telling you in business school. But the move with not updating Oxygen OS till new device will be released is really low.

Lollipop 5.1 is already out there and as you can guess I want it. This time Cyanogen was first and already released it for my device, but I don’t have enough strength and patience in me to go through flashing all over again. Enough is enough. I know that I’ve bought budget phone, even thought it has prime specs (or rather had at the time). But I really don’t enjoy reading all this news about this and that phone receiving new OS when I’m not even sure how long I would have to wait for the update. OnePlus is well known already from missing the release dates. But who knows, maybe this time they’ll actually gonna make it.

Every man should learn from his mistakes, otherwise he’s a fool. So I’ll take it as a lesson and my next device will be Nexus. OnePlus One would still be remembered as a good phone from however a bit broken company. About OnePlus Two I don’t want to hear a thing. And let it be a lesson to OnePlus.